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Can Dogs Eat Pomegranates?

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranates? – DogVills Leave a comment

Can dogs eat pomegranates? These berries (yep, they’re berries) are very popular among us humans. They’re one of the only fruits where we eat the seeds rather than the flesh or the skin. As many people’s favorite fruity snack, they get even added to salads and desserts due to their pretty, bright red color and juicy, sharp, sweet taste. If they’re one of your faves, can you share them with your dog? Let’s find out!

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranates?

Can dogs eat pomegranates? 

Short answer: Yes, dogs can eat pomegranate, but only the seeds and in very small quantities, and there are much better alternatives. No part of the fruit is toxic to dogs, but the flesh, peel, and even the seeds in large amounts can cause intense stomach upsets. 

So, if you’re going to give your dog pomegranate, make sure it’s only a few seeds here and there. Because of this, I also wouldn’t recommend giving any dog with a sensitive stomach pomegranate. If you want to give your sensitive pup a fruity snack, look into alternatives. I’ll list a few good ones at the bottom of the page!

Which part of the pomegranate can a dog eat?

While the peel and flesh of the fruit are not toxic to dogs, they are not pleasant to eat, and the peel in particular can cause intense stomach upset, so if you’re going to give your dog pomegranate, stick to the seeds, just as you would when you eat it yourself.

Can dogs have pomegranate juice?

Whilst pomegranate juice naturally contains all the same nutrients as the seeds, it is significantly higher in sugar, so you could give your dog a few licks of it here and there, or even add a small amount to homemade treats, but it definitely shouldn’t be a regular occurrence in large doses.

Consuming high amounts of sugar can lead to weight gain, tooth decay, diabetes, and heart disease over time, which will not only affect the length of their life but the quality, too.

Benefits of pomegranate for dogs

Pomegranates are low in fat and calories and high in antioxidants, which are essential for healthy aging and fighting off illness. They’re rich in vitamins C, E, and K, and they also contain compounds that may help to prevent heart disease.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body and promotes healthy skin, gums, bones, and urinary health. Vitamin A supports healthy eyesight and cellular differentiation, as well as strong bones, reproductive organs, and immune systems, while vitamin K is essential for healthy blood clotting.

They also contain potassium, an important electrolyte for the health of the heart, muscles, and nerves. Plus magnesium for strong bones and copper for healthy skin, fur, tissue, and iron absorption. They’re also chock full of dietary fiber, which contributes to the maintenance of healthy weight and good digestion. 

While, like humans, dogs should be getting all of the vitamins and minerals they need from their daily meals, additional nutrients can only benefit your dog.

Risks of pomegranate for dogs

The main risk of giving your dog pomegranate is that you can easily give them too much. Accidentally giving them too many seeds one time won’t hurt them in the long run, but it won’t be a pleasant experience for your dog. 

While the seeds are small, they are rich in tannins, or tannic acid, which can cause quite painful and intense stomach discomfort in dogs in small quantities. It can even damage the liver and kidneys in large amounts – although this is unlikely with such small seeds.

The skin of pomegranate is also a serious choking hazard and can easily cause an internal blockage in dogs if swallowed, both of which are dangerous and require an immediate (and expensive) trip to the vet. 

What should I do if my dog eats too much pomegranate?

If your dog eats too much pomegranate, they will likely have an upset stomach for a day or two. If this happens, be sure to keep them hydrated with water and feed them plain food. 

Pumpkin, boiled rice, and plain chicken or dry kibble are often recommended by vets for settling upset tummies in dogs. If the upset persists longer than a couple of days or if your dog seems particularly distressed, contact your vet as soon as you can for advice.

What should I do if my dog ate pomegranate peel?

The two biggest risks that come with eating the peel of a pomegranate are choking and internal blockages. If your dog chokes on something, you should open their mouth without tilting their head backward and remove it if you can see it. If you can’t, you’ll need to perform the Heimlich maneuver on them.

However, the biggest risk with eating that peel is that it can get stuck in the intestines because of its tough texture. Internal blockages are very serious and should be checked out by a vet as soon as possible.

They can cause severe bloating, severe stomach upset or inability to poop, low energy, and rapid breathing, as well as lip licking, appetite loss, excessive thirst, and general pain and distress. It almost always requires surgery to fix and should be treated as a medical emergency.

Can diabetic dogs eat pomegranates?

Yes, typically, diabetic dogs can eat one or two pomegranate seeds as a treat because they have a low glycemic index and should not cause significant spikes in blood sugar or further trigger their diabetes. However, you should avoid giving your diabetic dog pomegranate juice as it is very high in sugar. It’s also a good idea to ask your vet first, especially if your dog is on a very strict diet.

Can overweight dogs eat pomegranates?

Pomegranate seeds are an okay treat for overweight dogs in small quantities because they’re low in calories and fat, but remember to avoid pomegranate juice.

Can puppies eat pomegranates?

I would not recommend giving young puppies pomegranate seeds because they’re a little too rich for their small tummies and will likely cause an upset. 

Can dogs have dried pomegranate seeds?

Dried fruits are generally not appropriate for dogs to eat because they are concentrated with high-quality sugar and can get stuck in their teeth. 


How much pomegranate can I give to my dog?

Depending on the size of your dog, you shouldn’t give them any more than a few pomegranate seeds at once. For very small breeds, one or two seeds will do.

How often can a dog eat pomegranate?

If these seeds are a popular snack in your home, a seed every other day or a few once a week will be more than enough for your dog alongside their usual meals and treats.

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranates?

How to give my dog pomegranates?

As mentioned above, you can’t just give your dog an entire pomegranate. That many seeds would really hurt their tummy and the flesh and peel are unpleasant and dangerous. 

If you want to give your dog a pomegranate, pick a couple of seeds out of the raw fruit or pre-prepared tub of seeds as you would for yourself.

Many people also use them in cooking, so if you want to add one or two to your dog’s meal or some pomegranate juice (very sparingly) to some home-cooked treats for a sweet kick, we’re sure your pooch will appreciate it. 

Are dogs allergic to pomegranates?

Again, as mentioned above, eating more than a few seeds from a pomegranate can make a dog sick, and we don’t recommend giving them to dogs with sensitive tummies. While pomegranate allergies are fairly uncommon, dogs (like people) can be allergic to just about anything.

If you think your dog could be allergic to the fruit, try giving them an alternative dog-safe fruit instead. 

Best alternatives to pomegranate seeds for dogs

Whilst pomegranate seeds are technically okay for dogs in small amounts, there are much safer fruits out there. Let’s take a look at some of the closest dog-safe alternatives.


Strawberries are a great alternative to pomegranate seeds for dogs because they are red, sweet, juicy, soft – and totally dog-safe. They’re also rich in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, as well as Omega-3, a terrific nutrient for strong bones and healthy skin and coats.

You can even make these tasty frozen dog treats from strawberries and other Fido-friendly fruits.


Raspberries are another super popular fruit that make a good alternative to pomegranate for your pooch. They contain lots of amazing essential nutrients, including some that may even help to protect their bodies against diabetes, cancer, obesity, and arthritis. 


Cranberries are a fab alternative to pomegranate – and great for the holidays – as they’re small, red, and sharp. They’re often considered a superfood for dogs due to their high amounts of anti-inflammatory antioxidants, making them a great treat for seniors with arthritis. 

They’re also a good fruit for cooking and baking, and they are famously excellent for urinary health, aiding in the prevention and treatment of bladder infections. 

Other dog-safe fruits that you can give to your dog include:

You should not give your dog the following fruits:










Does your dog like to eat pomegranate seeds? Let us know in the comments down below!

Laura Hall

Laura is an experienced pet writer & dog lover with a degree in animal media creation, as well as years of practical hands-on experience with dogs. She has owned Border Collies all throughout her life and has worked and volunteered with dogs of all kinds.

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