Sean Laidlaw, a British soldier stationed in Syria, heard what sounded like a child crying under a concrete pillar. He never expected to find a tiny, frightened puppy. This was the beginning of an incredible bond between Sean and the dog he named Barrie. As a bomb disposal expert, Sean’s mission was to disarm IEDs and homemade bombs. It took four days for him to earn Barrie’s trust enough to let him touch her.

From that moment on, Sean and Barrie were inseparable. She accompanied him on jobs and quickly became the morale booster for the entire camp. Everyone was delighted to see her every day, and she had a positive impact on the soldiers’ mental well-being.

When Sean returned home for leave, the situation in Syria had deteriorated, and he was unable to fly back. He knew he had to find a way to get Barrie out of Syria. With the help of a charity called War Paws, Sean was able to get Barrie out of Syria and into Iraq. She then had to spend three months in quarantine to ensure she had no diseases. Once three months passed, she was cleared to fly into Paris.

Finally, the day came for Sean to reunite with Barrie. He drove to the airport to pick her up and bring her back to the UK. He was nervous, wondering if she would remember him. After about ten minutes, Barrie sniffed his leg and cowered to the floor. She rolled onto her belly for Sean to stroke it. It was at that moment that Sean knew she remembered him, and it was an amazing feeling to have his little puppy back home. Just wait until you see their reunion in the video! It’s so beautiful!
Sean may have saved Barrie, but he believes she saved him and many other soldiers in his unit from the emotional turmoil they experienced in such a dangerous situation. Barrie has done as much, if not more, for Sean than he has for her in terms of his own recovery. He may have brought her back to safety, but she has made him a better person.